Blog Post


  • von petra stephens
  • 13 Apr., 2019

Working with Zazzle

Lately I have been spending a lot of time on the computer. I am trying to educate myself on how to best use the web to promote my art. It is a jungle out there my friends!
My pinterest account is up running...check out my profile pic on my business account,but don't die laughing, I went all out...out is...a girl got to have some fun...sometime.
Anyway, the views are climbing...the sales are not. But I am continuously creating new print on demand possibilities...maybe somwhere,someone will actually love something I am creating and will buy it.
In the meantime new paintings are flowing on paper...and I create fabrics with them on zazzle. A friend is on a mission to make a quilt out of one of the fabrics, so I am very excited to see what she comes up with.
My latest quilt that I just finished handquilting (18 months in the making)has small pieces of my own fabrics in it as well. I wish I could show you my quilt here, but ....the pic is somewhere else,never where you need it...too much to do.
The above pic is of one of my cave paintings that is also available on cotton fabric.
So, school is out for Easter vaccation. Instead of pottery I am drawing with the kids these days.
I am going on a trip to Spain and warmer weather for a couple of weeks and will do a bit of urban sketching for a change. Follow me on instagram to see what I accomplish.
There is a link on the bottom....who knows where it will take for an adventure?
I have not really figured this link business out yet....and I would rather be painting....believe me.
But I am trying and I hope eventually I will get the big will all make sense.
Thank you for your interest in my rambling....I will see you on the road...or you will see me being on the road.
Thank you for your support

<div style="text-align:center;line-height:150%"> <a href=""; rel="nofollow" > <img src="; alt="Stoff mit zwei handgemalten Pferden" style="border:0;" /> </a> <br /> <a href=""; rel="nofollow" >Stoff mit zwei handgemalten Pferden</a> <br />von <a href=""; rel="nofollow">PetraStephens</a> </div>
von petra stephens 1. Mai 2019
2 weeks urban sketching
von Petra Stephens 24. März 2019
What is happening
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